Point Guide

Your pocket guide to Rhodes, Wentworth Point, Sydney Olympic Park and Newington.

To access Point Guide, you must create a profile with a valid email address.

It's time to explore

Come discover the very best of our neighbourhood by checking out Point Guide.

Find a new Fave

Discover a new fave in the neighbourhood with our recommendations. From cafes to local businesses, walks and parks to soak up the sun in - whatever you're looking for in the local area, Point Guide will help you on your way.

Explore further with Point Challenge

Point Challenge is designed to help you explore the neighbourhoods and have fun along the way. We've searched the local neighbourhood and created a number of challenges to encourage you to get out and explore the local area - from walking trails, sights to see and even some supporting of local businesses.

Share your Fave

Can't find your local fave or locally owned and operated business? Use the recommendation creator to share your local fave or locally owned and operated business with the rest of the neighbourhood.

Come on in and explore

Begin exploring the neighbourhood with Point Guide


Things you might like to know about Point Guide

What is Point Guide?

Point Guide is a community-powered index designed to connect the local community by providing you with a source of information from local places to eat out, businesses and even a source of recreation through the Point Challenge.

Is it free?

Yes! Point Guide is 100% free to use, install and participate in. You may choose, if you desire, to donate to the service. All funds will go towards enhancing and maintaining this service.

How do I make a recommendation?

Use the Recommendation Creator within Point Guide to share your own local fave or business with the wider community. We'll review it and add it in.

Can I make a feature request for Point Guide?

Of course you can! Get in touch with me and we'll discuss your feature request.

Who made Point Guide?

Point Guide was developed by Troy Ashman, a local Wentworth Point resident, who has lived in the area for the past two years.

Why was Point Guide made?

As non-essential businesses began to shut down and social distancing was implemented to fight against COVID-19, there was an opportunity to use newly found free time and expertise using Glideapps to support the local community with a one-stop-shop place of information.
Made with Landen